Thursday, August 7, 2008

Merlin says listen to Warren Buffet

Kate, perhaps you need to hear about the state of the economy from someone other than me? On August 21, 2008, Warren Buffet and former comptroller chief of the federal government, David Walker, are putting on a one evening movie event called, Seems like Mr Buffet and Mr Walker are going to give it the old college try to open the eyes of Americans to the economic realities that Americans can no longer ignore if they don't want to lose everything. Check out the site or google, " i.o.u.s.a ". Be sure to find a theater close by that will be show casing the movie, then go watch it and make a night of it. When you get over the shock of what you will learn from this movie, tell me what you think. It is rated pg for kids, but for adults it might prove to be too scary, so bring a friend.

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