Saturday, August 9, 2008

Merlin, Metaphysics, and Money

"Well, Kate, until you see the movie, i.o.u.s.a., what would you like to talk about?"
"Merlin, I want to know how the universe work?"
"That isn't something I can explain to you without you experiencing it first."
"Oh just try, Merlin. I'm curious with all this Mayan Calendar talk."
"Sorry, Kate. You know that old saying that when the student is ready the teacher, book, or opportunity will appear. I can't teach you what you can't open your mind to. That is why I have stopped talking about the financial crash just around the corner. People, like yourself, want to believe that those who created this mess will be able to, or even want to fix it. People like yourself want to believe the American government is going to save the financial day. Those people, Kate, unless they open their beautiful minds and start thinking for themselves and researching facts, are going to get fleeced and soon."
"Let's forget about the money thing, Merlin; just tell me how you got to be a wizard and so knowledgable?"
"How I did it may not be the way for you. We all are different energy types and learn so differently. Plus we have different talents, needs and goals. But to answer your question, I read a lot of books by many different authors, on many susbjects. So mostly I was self taught through reading, observation, reasoning and experimentation; I wasn't indoctrinated or brainwashed by any one system or by the media. Plus, I had the added bonus of a little nudge from spiritual teachers, now and then, just to keep me evolving and in the right direction. You know how that book you need to read can often just fall on the floor right in front you in the strangest places."
"No, I don't. But how do I attract the right spiritual teachers to nudge me in the right direction, Merlin?"
"You have me, Kate!"
"But you won't tell me anything except to buy silver and gold, and get my dollars into another currency as soon as I cash my check. I'm talking about magic, Merlin! Not money!"
"They one in the same, Kate. If you can't master money, you can never master magick."
"They are not the same, Merlin! One is of the world of spirit and the mind; while the other is of the world of commerce."
"Dearest, Kate, in order to master money and magick, you need to feel your own energy and power before manipulating, attracting or repelling other energies. You have to stop rationalizing and face the truth about your habits and unspoken thoughts. Everything is energy, especially money. Our money power is a reflection of what we think. If you have money problems, chances are your thinking needs some loving reality testing. Energy, like money, often flows in currents of the least resistence. Just think about the money game of transferring the wealth from the middle class to the rich, which is easily fed by a river flow of mindless consumers. It's so easy to get people to hand over their hard earn dollars to the powerful rich by selling these people things they don't need or can't afford. But it's an energy game that the haves are winning and the have nots are losing. The everyday consumer always loses, just like the roulette players in Las Vegas lose to the house. People are so trapped by the energy and values of others, that middle income Americans have no time or strength to think independently or clearly. They just follow the crowd to the weekly, if not daily fleecing. You need to keep in mind that energy follows what you think. Thought and energy need to be directed, just like your money needs to be directed. Tell me, Kate, how well do you manage your money? Who directs the current of your money flow? Does your money just vanished from your possesion into the world of commerce as soon as it appears in your hand, if not before in the form of automatic payments? Or, are you able to direct your money into a current that is more powerful for you, rather than being a blind or addicted consumer enriching the money magnets expotentially, by the second, at your expense? How do you use your mind to free yourself of their control and their money game so you can play your own money game? How do you control or direct your money to flow toward you so you can build a strong foundation for your own sacred treasure chest that will guard and grow all your energy deposits created by your labor and investments? Do your actions and management of your money make you independent, strong and happy? Or, do your actions make it easy for other people to trap you into giving them the power to dictate what you do with your money, makeing you poorer and weaker with each paycheck you get? Blind consumer addiction is a trap you must first escape from if you are to master the world of spirit or commerce. But the process of owning yourself is not without peril. The super money magnets get angry when you don't consume and play the games they dictate in order for them to become richer at your expense. If you want control of your life, your money, and your spirituality, you have to be strong, brave, consistant, disciplined , and powerful in your mind. In order to manipulate your money, or any type of energy, in your favor, you can't be a consumer addict. In order to walk the independent and powerful stride of a wizard, you need knowledge and discipline. Until you get yourself unhooked from the fishing hooks and nets of the world of commerce, you can never achieve spiritual magick. So, Kate, are you ready to make a change in your thinking so you can walk a different stride than most Americans do living the life of a controlled, paid slave?"
"Merlin, I'm not a controlled, paid slave."
"Can you leave your job next week and start writing that novel full time that you have been working on for the past six years.?"
"You know I can't. I have bills to pay."
" I don't have bills. Why do you have so many bills? ..... Until you can face that answer squarely and honestly while claiming your own power by devising a plan to get out of the enforced slavery of manipulated commerce, you will always be a paid slave, Kate, working hard and getting no where except deeper into poverty no matter how much money you make"
"And how am I suppose to get out of the financial obligations I have?"
"I don't know, Kate. But I would start by getting to know nature better and following her lead."
" What?"
"Have you mastered the discipline of feeding yourself healthy food? Or are you still under the influence of all those ads, especially the televsion commercials and eating what they advertise? Are you researching and thinking what would be best for you? Or, are you allowing yourself to go along with what 'THEY'
make readily available in order to easily take your money while keeping you weak, yet strong enough, to keep you working for them?.......You need to process that statement, and that will take some time.... It's August, Kate, appreciate the abundance of the harvest season while learning the lesson of the harvest as a free woman and not as a feudal serf. Learn to appreciate the harvest and how you can incorprate it into your life right now. Perhaps you can do that by just cooking some organic fresh vegetables and going to the farmers' market to stock fresh organic produce in your cellar, or a root cellar , for the winter. That action alone could change the energy flow towards you. The extra fresh produce in your house may also come in handy this winter. Nature gives much in return for a little of your labor and respect. Your first magical lesson is to appreciate and use the harvest this year to better your life, health and finances. Then this winter plan to grow some sort of garden next spring. That way you will learn first hand about power and the flow of energy. Learning about nature and her cycles is the quickest step to becoming a free individual. And a free indiviual with ethics and morals, along with talent and knowledge, obtains the power to direct energy where it is best for themselves. Until you learn to direct energy, especially direct your money, others will direct it for you, feeding off your labor, time and energy. If you can master this first lesson in magick, you will be able to manipulate all sorts of energy while watching your finacial health grow strong."

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Merlin says listen to Warren Buffet

Kate, perhaps you need to hear about the state of the economy from someone other than me? On August 21, 2008, Warren Buffet and former comptroller chief of the federal government, David Walker, are putting on a one evening movie event called, Seems like Mr Buffet and Mr Walker are going to give it the old college try to open the eyes of Americans to the economic realities that Americans can no longer ignore if they don't want to lose everything. Check out the site or google, " i.o.u.s.a ". Be sure to find a theater close by that will be show casing the movie, then go watch it and make a night of it. When you get over the shock of what you will learn from this movie, tell me what you think. It is rated pg for kids, but for adults it might prove to be too scary, so bring a friend.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Merlin Says It Hasn't Hit Botton Yet!

“Merlin, what are you talking about?”
“Kate, the powers that be have given out another stimulus package and are bailing out big banks. Where do you think all that money is coming from to pay for it all?”
“The treasury?”
“Kate, the treasury has no money. The United States government hasn’t had real money for quite some time; and middle income Americans can’t be taxed any more without being starved to death.”
“Then where does the government get the money to bail out the banks and create these stimulus packages?”
“To put it simply, the money is printed up on paper and the Federal Reserve just creates digits to say that the money exists, as soon as Congress requests the funds. When Congress requests two hundred and fifty billion to bail out their banking friends, or create a stimulus package, or for whatever they want it for, that legally gives the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank permission to create two hundred and fifty billion dollars, or whatever amount requested, that didn’t exist before the request, and then put those dollars into circulation. The money essentially is created out of thin air. It didn’t exist until the fed, by the stroke of a computer key, created digits on a ledger saying that the money is now on the books. Remember, America has become a debt base economy. Debt is used to create money and fund all our programs and needs. Wealth is no longer exchanged as a circulation currency. It is debt that circulates which creates inflation every time Congress decides to spend and create more dollars out of thin air. Debt creates great wealth for the rich, especially through interest on non-existent money. But debt based economies eventually drives the middle class into poverty, which is what is happening today.”
“Merlin, I don’t understand and frankly I don’t want to. All I need to know is that my dollars pay my bills and pay for what I need to buy. I’ll let the bankers worry about the details on how they make it all happen. I’m living quite well. The system has worked fine for me for decades, as it did for my mom”
“Do you have a 401k, some sort of pension plan, money in the bank?
“Merlin, of course I do. I’m very practical and frugal about my money. I’m not stupid”
“I agree Kate, you aren’t stupid. That is why you have noticed that your 401k is losing value, as are your stocks. I told you eight years ago to get out of the stock market.”
“Merlin, stocks go up and down. My stockbroker told me not to worry because eventually the stocks will go up again. It’s how the market cycles.”
“Kate, pay attention to every time the government spends money; every time Congress okays the president to spend two hundred billion on the war, or two hundred and fifty billion to bail out the housing crisis, because every time money is created out of thin air, adding more paper dollars to the system to pay for these huge expenses, the dollars that you worked hard for and traded your time for become less valuable, and that is called inflation. When the government puts more dollars into circulation, created out of thin air by the fed, to pay for programs, wars, or failing banks, then the money you have in your 401k, your pension plan, or savings becomes worth less and less.. By that I mean you buy less with those dollars than you did a month ago. And when it loses value month after month, and those months add up into years, you are talking about a lot of financial loss; and that value of those dollars is lost forever. Some people call this inflation the invisible tax. And when inflation happens slowly, people foolishly put up with it. But it’s not happening slowly any more. The life cycle of our American fiat currency is coming to an end, and will speed up into hyperinflation before most people realize what is happening. What you need to pay attention to is that it may cost you $300 a week of frugal purchasing to feed your family today, but next year, or maybe in just six months, it may cost you $500 dollars to buy the same groceries. Where are you going to get that extra $200 a week to pay for groceries? Will you cut down on the amount of gas you put in your car? Perhaps you will decide not to heat your house with oil this winter and stay warm by burning wood to make up for the needed dollars to feed your family? The point is that when the groceries inflate to $200 a week, so does everything else you need. What happens when a loaf of bread will cost $10 a loaf or more? Are your wages matching inflation? Of course not! If you want to keep your purchasing power to provide for your family and protect your assets, you must take the dollars that you receive for the hours you put into working and put them in a currency that isn’t experiencing as much inflation as the dollar. Some people are putting their savings and paychecks, for now, in silver, gold, or Swiss francs. Those who switched their savings over to euros, back when I told you to get out of the stock markets, didn’t lose the purchasing power that you did, Kate, over the past eight years. I am telling you this now, very firmly, because inflation is turning into hyperinflation, and soon you your dollars will be debased so much that even if you got a thirty percent raise, you won’t be able to support your comfortable living standard! Aren’t you feeling the squeeze now? The dollar is going to become worthless in purchasing power and the timetable for that is escalating. It is called hyperinflation. I don’t want to see you lose all you worked so hard for. How is the value of your house holding up against the mortgage you have on it? You do know that the housing market hasn’t hit bottom yet.”

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Merlin, commerce and the hypnotist.

When I first heard the word fiat currency, I ignored it. My life as a hypnotist was too busy to be bothered with the world of commerce and finance. As a practitioner of the Old Religion, I just had to visualize what I needed and my dollar bills would pay for it. I had plenty of money for gas for my jeep, fuel to heat my house, property taxes to support the town, food to feed my family, clothes, books, vet bills and even money for the luxury of vacations and a weekly massage. Then one day, although I was actually making more money in my practice than the previous year, and my expenses had stayed the same, slowly I noticed my finances getting strained, and then very strained. I started cutting back my massage to every other week, then once a month, and then occasionally, until now I don’t get them at all. Mom always told me to pay cash for everything, “If you don’t have the money, don’t buy it!” But then slowly, I just didn’t quite have enough cash to buy the kids their supplies for the new school year. Prices were going up, as were my rates as a hypnotist, but my rates as a hypnotist could not keep up with the rising costs of every day needs. My house had doubled in market value in such a short time; my banker said I had lots of equity and, “why not get what you need? Just write out a check on your equity line of credit”. That’s when Merlin said to me, “Kate you have to listen to me now. You have got to allow yourself the space and time to make an effort to gain a basic understanding of the money system. You need to understand what inflation is? You need to know what fiat money is and more importantly what the shelf life of a fiat money system is. You need to know why America went from a sound constitutional money system based on wealth, to a destructive monetary fiat system based on expanding debt. Because when debt stops expanding, the system dies along with all those who participated in it that didn’t exit in time. Kate, I hope you still aren’t in dollars?”

Thursday, July 31, 2008

worried about the economy?

Welcome to the world of Kensington Smith where all Mainers are mortagage and debt free. Check out the rest at Where the people outwitted the banking industry.